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Dear Customers,
As you know, we have dozens of official Cavalinho stores spread across the country, and we cherish and support each and every one. As such, we will not be providing online sales within Portugal, so as to protect those same stores. We want to maintain the aspects that have got us this far: our stores close relationship with our customers. However, you will be able to view each of our items and create your own Wishlist made up of your favourite pieces
In the future, you'll be able to take it into a store where you will be able to get all the information you need.
We thank you for your understanding.
Idéal pour ajuster le talon dans des chaussures trop grandes et pour protéger des callosités, oignons et coutures gênantes. Il permet de réduire le frottement et d’assurer un maximum de confort. Grâce à son revêtement chamoisé, les chaussettes ne sont pas abîmées. Doté d’un adhésif dont la fixation est optimale, il ne se décolle pas lorsque vous retirez les chaussures des pieds ni lors de grandes randonnées.
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